The Box Office at the Coliseum Theatre is open to personal callers every Tuesday 11.00am – 2.00pm.

The Box Office at the Park & Dare is currently closed to personal callers to facilitate building works to the foyer and Box Office area.

The Box Office booking line is open Monday– Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm for customers who do not have internet access or who would prefer to chat to one of our friendly Box Office Team.

Where possible, please use for all bookings.



Box Office 03000 040 444



General Information


The Coliseum & The Park & Dare have a public bar and offer a pre-order interval drinks service. Coffee and tea are also available. At each venue the bar opens an hour before an evening performance and close at 11.00pm at the latest unless otherwise advertised.


The Coliseum and The Park & Dare  sell a range of soft drinks, snacks and popcorn pre-performance and during the interval.


Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes is not permitted in any areas of the venues.


In the auditoriums - any events with an age limit due to the nature of the content of the event will be publicised with the appropriate age limit or cinema classification. If you are unsure about any event and its age limit, please contact the venue.


Each venue has an impressive auditorium and number of meeting rooms and flexible spaces that can be hired at very competitive prices, in accordance with the programming policy of the venue. Please call the venue of your choice for further details.


Public cameras and recording equipment must not be used during any performance.


Please switch all mobile phones and pagers off during any performance.


Latecomers will be allowed into the auditorium or performance space at a suitable break in the performance, at the duty manager’s discretion.


Entry in to the venue is at the staff’s discretion and we reserve the right to refuse entry.

Photography and Filming

Please be aware that there may be photography and filming taking place at events. If you would like to know more about how we use this media, please see our ‘Photography and Videography Privacy Notice’ at and the RCT Council’s data protection pages at


To comply with licensing and health and safety requirements, all audience members, including babies and children, must be in possession of a valid ticket. There is no charge for this ticket for children under the age of 2. Children under the age of 8 MUST be accompanied by an adult, who must accept full responsibility for the children in their care at all times.

There are baby-changing facilities at all all venues.

Prams and car-seats are not permitted in the auditorium

Booster Seats at the Coliseum Theatre

We know that very small children may have difficulty seeing the action on stage, so we have a limited number of plastic booster seats available in the foyer. These are free and are allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Please ask a member of staff if you’d like to use one for your little one.

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to RCT Theatres

AD Audio Described Performance

Audio description is a live commentary interspersed with the actors' dialogue. This is relayed via a headset linked to the infra-red audio system. There is a short 'programme notes' session, before the production, which explains the atmosphere, costumes, characters and action.

BSL British Sign Language Performance

Signed performances are ideal for those who use sign language. Trained British Signed Language (BSL) signers usually stand to one side of the stage and interpret the script used by the performers at the same time as it is being performed.

R Relaxed Screening/Performance

Open to everyone, but particularly appropriate for anyone who may find the usual theatre/cinema environment challenging, due to an Autism Spectrum Condition, a learning disability, or a fear of the dark, loud noises or confined spaces.

Relaxed Performances/Screenings provide a relaxed environment, where elements are adapted to reduce anxiety or stress. Lighting and sound levels are adjusted to soften their impact and there is a relaxed attitude to noise and leaving and re-entering the auditorium during the performance/screening.

Designated 'chill-out' areas are provided outside the auditorium with activities for people to use if being in the auditorium becomes overwhelming for them.

T Touch Tour

A Touch Tour is ideal for blind and partially-sighted audiences to familiarise themselves with the set ahead of the performance.

C Captioned Screening/Performance

Captions display dialogue on-screen (similar to subtitles) and also describe the audio or sound portion of a film/performance allowing audience members who are D/deaf or hard of hearing to follow the script and the action of the film/performance at the same time.

For live performances, the screen is positioned at the side of the stage.